When you are generating traffic with a pay-per-click (PPC) ad campaign ... or optimizing your Web site to increase its search engine rankings ... choosing the right key words is critical to your success.
But often, you or your client don't know what key words you should bid on for your Google Adwords campaign -- or incorporate into your meta tags and Web copy.
Now, your worries about finding the right key words and phrases for your Internet business or copywriting client is finally over -- thanks to our new "Keyword Research Quick-Start Guide."
In just a few concise pages, we show you the 7 easy steps that can help you identify the best key words for any product, service, or Web site.
You can read these quick tips in less than 5 minutes, and by this time tomorrow, have your Web site and PPC ads optimized for maximum search engine rankings and response rates.
Now, you can't find the "Keyword Research Quick Start Guide" anywhere online, or buy it separately at any price.
But a copy is yours at no extra charge when you agree to preview our new manual, The Key Word Money Machine: Simple Strategies for Internet Marketing Success, risk-free for 90 days in the privacy of your home or office.
At last, a step-by-step, do-it-yourself
guide to key word research and discovery....
In our new e-book, The Key Word Money Machine, online copywriter Patricia Ruhl and I walk you step-by-step through the key word research and discovery process.
Result: you create your PPC ad campaigns ... and write and optimize your Web site ... on the key words that your potential customers are searching most frequently. You will discover:
- How to use Trellian's Keyword Discovery tool to find out how your key words are performing relative to competitors in your industry. Page 41.
- The only way to stay in touch with your market today -- and maximize your online revenues. Page 4.
- 10 free key word idea generators – and where to find each online. Page 41.
- The most powerful key word research and discovery tool ... and 2 ways they can boost your Internet marketing results. Page 30.
- 3 core Internet marketing activities that absolutely depend on accurate key word research and selection to work for you. Page 5.
- The Overture Inventory key word tool, once the most popular software for determining how many searches were performed on a key word, has been closed. Here's what has replaced it. Page 35.
- Discover how many searches have actually been performed on any given key word – for free. Page 8.
- 7 easy steps for cleaning up and refining your key word choices. You'll have fewer key words and phrases to deal with, but the ones you use will work better and cost less to bid on. Page 45.
- Wordtracker charges for its popular key word research tool. But you can use it for free. Page 32.
- 5 tips for making your key words more specific. They'll draw more qualified traffic and generate higher conversion results. Page 47.
- How to get your Web site listed on page one of Google's Search Engine Results Page (SERP) – without paying for a Google ad. Page 13.
- Should you optimize your Web site for organic search based on key words and phrases your competitors use in their paid search ads? Page 49.
- 8 proven techniques for increasing your site's relevance to search engine algorithms and raising your site's ranking. Page 14.
- Find out how much traffic your competitors get on their Web sites – without hacking into their ISP or industrial espionage. Page 50.
- How to measure the return on investment (ROI) from your online advertising. Page 18.
- 6 ways to increase click through rates from your pay-per-click (PPC) ad campaigns. Page 16.
- How to attract the major search engines to your Web site like a magnet. Page 52.
- Google holds over 76% of search engine market share. Now you can use their new keyword research tool for free. Page 33.
- How to use key words research to assess the viability of new products – before you bring them to market. Page 67.
- 5 best search engines for testing PPC advertising to drive unique visitors to your site. Page 19.
- Ensuring that your key word selection and usage remain at optimal levels over time. Page 71.
- Best places on your Web pages for insertion of strategic key words and phrases. Page 54.
- How to use key word research to assess the market potential of new products you are planning to develop. Page 21.
- Using key words in meta tags to optimize your site for search engines. Page 55.
- 7 ways Google can help you generate ideas for key words to research and investigate. Page 34.
- Determine optimal key word density for your Web pages with this simple formula. Page 60.
- 16 simple ways to start a key word list – and for 11 of them, you don't even need to turn on your PC. Page 23.
- What reading blogs can teach you about optimizing your regular Web site with key words. Page 26.
- 5 types of content you can add to your Web site to boost its search engine rankings. Page 59.
- 4 ways to identify key words for Web site optimization with Wordtracker. Page 37.
- Search engines cannot index Web pages written in these two file formats. Can you name them both? Page 60.
- "Spy" on your competitors by opening their Web site and reading the key words they used in optimizing their HTML code for the search engines. It's perfectly legal, and no programming is required. Page 27.
- If you want your site to rank high in the search engines, make sure every Web page does not exceed this word count. Page 61.
- Should key words be specific and narrow, or general and broad? The answer may surprise you. Page 39.
- How to write Google PPC ads that drive maximum traffic and leads to your Web page. Page 63.
- A directory of free key word research tools (page 78) ... Web analytic software (page 81) ... PPC advertising media (page 81) ... and so much more....

"OK, but what will it cost me?"
If you hire an SEO consulting firm to optimize your Web site for search engines, you could easily pay $5,000 or more for SEO on just one of your Web sites.
Would it be worth it? Absolutely. For one company, optimizing their Web site based on the best key words and phrases increased online revenues a whopping 1,500% in just 18 months. Another online merchant who optimized his site for key words generated more than 2,000 gift orders an hour during the holiday season.
But mastering key word research won't cost you $5,000 ... or $1,000 ... or even $100.
Instead, The Key Word Money Machine is yours for only $39 – less than I charge for just 5 minutes of my time!
And that's only if The Key Word Money Machine boosts your conversion rates by 50% to 100% or more.
If it doesn't, then it won't cost you a penny. Here's why....
Our 100% iron-clad guarantee of satisfaction
I totally guarantee your satisfaction with this unique guide to finding the right key words for your SEO program and pay-per-click ad campaign.
If you aren't convinced that The Key Word Money Machine is the clearest, simplest, most practical guide to key word research and discovery you've ever read....
Or you are unhappy for any other reason ... or for no reason at all ... just let me know within 90 days.
I'll give you a full and prompt refund. And you can keep the e-book with my compliments.
That way, you risk nothing.
One other thing....
Research shows that over 80% of all online transactions begin with a key word search.
If you have a Web site, each day you continue to operate it without optimizing the Web page copy and meta tags for the right key words and phrases, you're leaving money on the table.
And when you follow quick and easy instructions in The Key Word Money Machine, you'll feel great knowing that you are optimizing your Web sites – and writing your PPC ad campaigns –
--using the best key words: the words and phrases users type into search engines most frequently when looking for information on your topic or to purchase your product.
So what are you waiting for?
To order The Key Word Money Machine on a 90-day risk-free trial basis, just click below now:

Robert W. Bly, Director
CTC Publishing
P.S. Order The Key Word Money Machine today and you get a FREE Special Bonus Report, Online Marketing That Works (list price: $29).
In this 47-page guide to Internet marketing, you'll discover:
- How to break into your prospect's "e-mail inner circle." Page 6.
- 27 tips for writing e-mail marketing messages that work. Starts on page 33.
- How to write, publish, and distribute your own e-newsletter ... and do it in less than 2 hours a month. Page 9.
- The 10 steps to outrageous online marketing success. Page 3.
- How I built my e-list from 3,000 names to over 40,000 names in just 6 weeks for less than $1,000. Page 15.
- Converting leads to sales with the "online conversion" strategy. Page 27.
- Most common Web site mistakes – and how to avoid them. Page 42.
- And more ...
Best of all, this bonus report is yours to keep FREE – even if you request a refund on the e-book!
To order The Key Word Money Machine get your FREE Bonus Gift worth $29 ... just click below now: